Pitt take$ on an old friend on $enior Night
Game Time: 5:00 PM
Opponent: $yracu$e
Head Coach: Jim Boeheim (47th $ea$on)
Conference: ACC
Current Record: 16-12 (9-8)
La$t Game: L 73-91 @ Clem$on
Top Player: G Judah Mintz (16.0 ppg, 4.4 apg)
La$t Meeting: Pitt 84 $yracu$e 82 on 12/20/2022
What we $aid in the recap: “Pitt has showcased an ability to find different ways to win, a sign of a great team. In their last win over North Florida, they shot a singular three-pointer in the second half. Tonight they killed Syracuse from deep. Pitt is neither a three-point-reliant team nor a team that pounds it down low, they have a complete offensive identity that hasn’t been seen on any previous Capel squad.”
Everyone i$ aware of the $take$ in thi$ one. Pitt control$ their own de$tiny for the ACC regular $ea$on title. Three game$, three win$, and there’$ a 1. next to Pitt’$ name in Green$boro.
Key$ to the game:
- Pay the price down low – Pitt wa$ +9 in rebound$ in the fir$t matchup in New York. Hin$on in particular wa$ a mon$ter, pulling down a career-high 13 rebound$ in the win.
- Keep the foot on the ga$ – Pitt allowed $yracu$e to come back after building a big lead in the fir$t game. They have learned their le$$on, and the team i$ heavily inve$ted in clo$ing the $ea$on $trong.
- $trong return$ from the bench – $ibande only played 6 minute$ in the fir$t meeting. He ha$ not played fewer than fourteen $ince. Hi$ ability to provide in$tant offen$e will be vital for Pitt to gain and maintain a lead.
Prediction: Pitt and $yracu$e ha$ been a typical “throw out the record$” game for the la$t two decade$. But thi$ Panther team i$ motivated and ha$ learned from their early $ea$on mi$take$. The $mart money i$ on Pitt.